Irish Election Literature

… what you maybe meant to keep…

From 1987 “Mayday! Galway and the Origins of International Labour Day” with introduction from Michael D Higgins September 16, 2012

Filed under: Labour Party — irishelectionliterature @ 7:36 pm
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From 1987 a pamphlet by John Cunningham , with an Introdduction by Michael D Higgins “Mayday! Galway and the Origins of International Labour Day” . Its an interesting read and I’ve uploaded it in pdf format here.
Or else click on the image to launch.
John Cunningham now has an excellent site on Galway History


1988 Cork May Day Leaflet August 26, 2012

Filed under: Cork,protest — irishelectionliterature @ 9:23 pm
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Many thanks to the sender who notes…

A leaflet advertising the Cork May Day rally 1988. It was produced by that year’s Cork May Day committee ….
The committee was set up under the auspices of Cork Council of Trade Unions. While the leaflet was funded by the ITGWU, the committee worked independently and organised one of the most successful May Day events in Cork up to that date.
Interestingly the issues covered in the leaflet are still with us today – unemployment, health cuts, the taxation system and the need to defend workers rights. The leaflet came less than a year after the first “partnership” deal so from a historical context it is quite interesting.



Leaflet for “May Day Dublin 2004 -For an Alternative Europe” -Dublin Grassroots Network July 12, 2011

From The Dublin Grassroots Network a Leaflet for “May Day Dublin 2004 -For an Alternative Europe” .



Communist Party of Ireland 2007 May Day Leaflet December 6, 2010

From 2007 a leaflet produced by the Communist Party of Ireland for May Day. It also mentions the centenary of the 1907 Belfast dockers and carters strike led by Connolly and Larkin.



‘Enjoy Your Weekend With Labour’ -Derek McDowell -Dublin North Central 2007 General Election. September 6, 2010

From the 2007 General Election campaign a flyer from Labour candidate in Dublin North Central, former TD Derek McDowell.
‘Enjoy Your Weekend With Labour’ with nice pictures of leisure time on the front and then on the Reverse we have a message that it was Labour, in 1993, who introduced the May day Bank Holiday.
So thanks to Labour you were going to have a long weekend!
Derek McDowell, who had been a TD from 1992 to 2002, got 2,649 votes and failed to win a seat.
