Irish Election Literature

… what you maybe meant to keep…

Young Fine Gael 2000 Conference Programme -Leo Varadkar, Patrick O’Donovan and many more September 26, 2017

The Programme for the 16th National Conference of Young Fine Gael. Contains a message from Leo Varadkar, Patrick O’Donovan and more. It also has motions as well as profiles of candidates for various posts including Leo Varadkar , Lucinda Creigton and Elaine Byrne where we find out all sorts from their “favourite chat up lines” to their “claim to fame”.  I’ve scanned and uploaded it in pdf format here
Many thanks to the sender.


Flyer from Alan McMenamin -Independent -Stranorlar -2014 Local Elections March 29, 2014

Filed under: Donegal,Independent — irishelectionliterature @ 9:27 pm
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A flyer from Alan McMenamin who is running as an Independent candidate in Stranorlar for a seat on Donegal County Council.
He is on Twitter @AlanMcMenamin
He is also on Facebook
Many thanks to the sender
